Please read carefully -
By signing or sending any Rx from (or substitute thereof) to Sterling Dental Arts, Inc. ("the lab"), I agree to abide by all the following terms and conditions and laboratory policies. The lab is not liable for incidental or consequential damages, including inconvenience, lost wages, chair time, or pain and suffering.
Cost of collection of any account will be paid by the customer. All accounts are payable within 30 days of statement date. Accounts not paid within the stated terms can be subject to COD status and a late fee of 2% of the unpaid balance. Prices subject to change without notice. RX must be enclosed with original case submission and proper licensure.
All prices are quoted/billed per stage. Some products are subject to additional fees. Fabrication starts the day the lab receives the case. See our available products and work schedules.
We follow a shipping reciprocal policy.Intial shipping of the case is paid for by the client,return shipping paid for by the lab.
If 2nd day or overnight shipping is required,the difference of the cost from normal ground shipping is billed to the client.
Rush Case charge is $75 for each case and overnight shipping is stated above.
Cases listed as RUSH will be called prior to productions to verify all expected return dates if not clearly marked on RX or if the date cannot be resonably met
Eligible remakes will be done at no charge if received within 60 days of the original invoice date. Original model(s) and dental restoration(s) must be returned for credit consideration.
New case will be billed if remake is required due to any of the following:
1) There is a shade or product change different from the original request prescription.
2) The abutment was re-prepped.
3) Lab questioned impression, bite, or any other issues that are brought to the doctors' attention for review and was advised to complete case.
4) Lab requested a try-in, customer declined and asked for a completed case.
5) The partial denture fits the master cast.
***All warranty terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
Sterling Dental Arts, Inc. ("the lab") warrants that all dental devices ("a device") are made to your specifications and approval in the belief that the device will be useful and make no other warranties including, but not limited to, any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. Subject to the return of a device that is placed by a licensed dentist and then fails, the lab will repair or replace the device without charge , at the lab's option, as follows: (1) dentures and partials excluding immediates up to one year if the failure is due to defects in materials or workmanship; (2) thermoformed appliances and splints, if the failure is due to defects in materials or workmanship, provisionals, up to six months; (3) cosmetic appliance, immediate dentures and partials, flippers, retainers, surgical stents and radiographic guides, repairs, relines, and all other dental devices up to 3 days if failure is due to defects in materials or workmanship. This warranty is exclusively for your benefit, is not transferable and does not extend to any patients. You agree to pay all other costs of adjustment, repair, and replacement of a device. Except where prohibited by law, the lab will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from the use of a device, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability and if such disclaimer is not permitted by law, the duration of any implied warranty is limited to 90 days from the date of delivery. In the event of a dispute and absent, an amicable resolution the parties mutually agree to wave class actions in favor of mandatory individual arbitration of claims under this limited warranty in and in accordance with the laws of Florida. The lab does not guarantee the performance of independent carriers.
Thank you,
Sterling Dental Arts, Inc.